BRC: Global Standard for Food Safety Certification Standard

CNC Worx

The process to obtain BRC certification through IAS is quite simple and effective. Learn about what risks have been identified for the food and beverage industry and how this compares to five years ago.

Our guide below will help you better understand the BRC, the global standards they produce, and how they work to make the retail industry safer. By understanding the basics of the BRC standards, its impact on the FIBC industry reassures customers that quality remains high throughout the process. Like most food-related industries, the FIBC industry maintains its credentials by following the BRCGS food safety and quality guidelines. A BRC certification ensures that the company or organization provides safe products and lets the customers know that maintaining quality is the number one priority. Not only does the BRC certificate guarantee specific procedures and guidelines to be followed, but manufacturers are compliant with legal responsibilities to protect the customer.

Adhering to these standards can reduce the likelihood of foodborne illness outbreaks and protect your customers from harm. The requirements for BRC certification vary depending on the specific standard being used. Additionally, manufacturers must comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, as well as any customer-specific requirements.

  1. This provides the auditor insight into whether staff have been properly trained.
  2. To receive certification in the eyes of the BRC Standard, a third-party audit must be conducted by an accredited affiliate.
  3. When referring to the BRC, it defines the entire UK organization responsible for the certification process, regulated by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative).

By implementing these measures, you can identify potential risks and take action to prevent them from occurring. First, a food manufacturer must choose an accredited certification body to conduct the audit. The certification body will then review the manufacturer’s documentation and conduct an on-site audit to assess compliance with the BRC standard. If the manufacturer meets the requirements of the standard, they will be awarded BRC certification.

Mastering BRCGS Issue 9

They will ensure the nutritional information, ingredients, allergen declaration, or other pertinent information is consistent with your documented product specifications. Demonstrating traceability takes complete commitment from your team and requires that you have an effective management system in place. The auditor may review your standard operating procedures (SOPs), processes, and other policy documents during a desk audit or during the site audit. They will compare written records with the relevant sections of the Standard against which you are being audited.

Process Control

BRCGS Certification is recognized by GFSI, which is an important consideration when choosing a certification scheme because many major manufacturers and retailers require a GFSI-recognized certification. Integrated Assessment Services (IAS) is a leading certification body for BRC Global Standards, offering comprehensive services to help you achieve BRC certification. Our experienced and qualified auditors are knowledgeable about the Canadian food industry and can provide guidance on how to meet all requirements of the BRC standard. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service so that you can get certified quickly and efficiently. BRC Global Standards is recognized by many of the world’s leading retailers, and certification can give you a competitive edge in the marketplace. By displaying the BRC logo on your products and marketing materials, you can show your customers that you meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

4 – Site standardsSites on which you manufacture or prepare food must be laid out, maintained, cleaned, and secured according to strict standards. Your organisation must also meet requirements relating to the control of pests and foreign bodies. The first to be recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), BRCGS Packaging Materials is now in its 6th edition and has become the global industry benchmark. It is not only used by food packaging producers but also by producers of packaging for all applications, across the supply chain.

BRCGS Issue 9 Corporate Training Package

In addition, IAS takes a step-by-step approach to our audits, providing technical advice and support to help you improve your processes and systems in order to easily obtain BRC certification. Fill out our contact form information on how to get started with the BRC certification process. Our team of experts is available to answer all your questions and provide assistance with meeting the requirements of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. Only products that are manufactured, prepared, or stored at the site that’s being audited as part of the certification will apply. Companies looking to earn validation from the BRC Global Standard would do well to integrate a sound ERP solution that can account for all their processes.

The BRC has also grown with the times, evolving to accommodate contributions from various leading global specifiers. The BRC is a trade association which focuses on helping all sectors of the retail industry navigate topics such as the impact of the minimum wage pay rise. They also make a positive difference by promoting the interests of retailers, and they strongly influence current and future issues. It was designed to supply food retailers with a common approach to supplier auditing. Since then, the BRC has worked to support and offer guidance to the food manufacturing sector.

This course is for management, HACCP team members, and anyone who wants to understand the requirements of… The BRCGS Packaging Materials Global Standard helps a site or operation to demonstrate they are providing products that are quality assured, legally compliant, and authentic. Keeping up with building and equipment maintenance, cleaning, pest control and waste management.

Connecting and Protecting the Global Supply Chain

If your business is moving towards full GFSI certification but you don’t feel you have the resources to commit to the full program, Start! At the end of 2019, SALSA and the BRCGS announced a partnership, aimed at micro, small and medium businesses who look to access international markets, or who aim to grow and develop their product safety and quality. Those businesses which have grown under SALSA can now transition to the new scheme, the BRCGS coinmama review Start! At High Speed Training, the standard we are most commonly asked about is the Global Standard for Food Safety and what our customers can do to help their business meet its requirements. We provide a variety of training courses that can help with this such as HACCP, Good Manufacturing Practice and Food Allergens in Manufacturing. They will give your employees the knowledge needed to operate at the highest standard in your workplace.

Why is BRC certification important for Canadian food manufacturers?

BRC Global Standard requirements set forth the parameters your organization must follow to ensure food is produced safely. Opportunities for certified companies are expanding, while those for companies that are not certified are decreasing. By achieving certification you are also protecting your product, customers, and brand. Once you have implemented and are following the system based on the requirements of the standard you choose, you will be following best practices for food safety management. With a GFSI-recognized food safety certification, your organization can access those parts of the market that are only available to those that are certified.

The senior manager is in charge of demonstrating their commitment to the Global Standards and improving food safety and quality management for the company. Developed as a division of BRC in 1996, BRCGS was founded by retailers to harmonize food safety standards. Since then they have developed many Global Standards including the BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard. Over sites worldwide have obtained certification to the BRCGS Food Safety Standard.

Learn about the scope, requirements of the standard, as well as the auditor’s perspective by attending training in a format that suits you and your team. We have outlined how to get a food safety certificate below, with the steps you need to take. BRCGS and its global network of approved training partners have developed new training courses for Food Safety Issue 9. There are conversion courses for auditors, sites, and full Issue 9 training for those who are completely new to the Standard.

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