Understanding Onion Architecture in ASP NET Core MVC T Digital Thoughts

CNC Worx

It holds all the logic related to the Business requirements. Now, every application ideally has its own dedicated Database. In order to access the Database, we introduce a Data Access Layer. This layer usually holds ORMs for ASP.NET to fetch/write to the database.

onion architecture c#

Step 6 Create the authentication service project which chose solution is the Microsoft recommended third-party option – IdentityServer4. In the common situation, the authentication service won’t design the local services in the same network, and will be designed the closed service in other network. In the Infrastructure Layer we add infrastructure level codes like Entity Framework Core for DB operations, JWT Tokens for Authentication and other such works. All the heavy task of the app is performed in the layer. The service has dependency on the repository type which is injected at run time using Castle Windsor and all the methods works on the repository type to perform specific actions. C# Onion Architecture is an effective approach for developing modular and flexible applications.

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Notice that each of our consumes either a primitive type, or an input model from ourApplication.Models and outputs one of our output models. Just as with the Stores, you can define entity specific methods / queries in your specific repository . The biggest thing to point out is how the constructor for our UserService takes in an IUserRepository. Later we will set up our IoC container and inject our actual UserService so that the logic ties together. Doing this allows us to avoid referencing the Infrastructure.Data layer in our Infrastructure.Business layer which gives us full Separation of Concerns in our layers.

Domain-Driven Design also has a service concept that is slightly different from the concept of an application service. Rapid application delivery, usually with different teams focusing on different microservices. The microservices keyword is very hot https://globalcloudteam.com/onion-architecture-in-development/ keyword in recent years, that is kind of a variant of the service-oriented architecture structural style. It can find out the microservices keyword has a “micro-” word so that means this service is not very huge services or monolithic services.


Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The other half of our application will handle reads. Think about what information we need to know, then we can directly return that ViewModel.

The Model is used to pass the data between View and Controller on which the business logic performs any operations. The Controller is used to handle the web request by action methods and returns View accordingly. Hence, it solves the problem of separation of concern while the Controller is still used to database access logic. In essence, MVC solves the separation of concern issue but the tight coupling issue still remains. The biggest difference between traditional architecture and onion architecture is any outer layer can directly call any inner layer.

Onion Architecture in ASP.NET Core with CQRS : Detailed & Illustrated

In this article, We will talk about Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core and its advantages. We will also together build a WebApi that follows a variant of Onion Architecture so that we get to see why it is important to implement such an architecture in your upcoming projects. You can find the source code of this implementation on my GitHub. This article introduced Onion Architecture in ASP.NET Core, using Entity Framework Core with the “code first” development approach.

onion architecture c#

All business logic and behavior should be encoded on the domain layer. Domain Layer– At the very core is the Domain layer which holds all of your domain objects. Please restrict yourself by keeping just the properties or definitions inside your domain objects and not any piece of code which talks to database or has any other business functions.

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In the Service layer, we will create the two folders. Click on project reference now and select the Domain layer. The external layer never depends on the external layer.

When designing a distributed architecture I think that CQRS and ES can help a lot. Of course, they are not a Silver Bullet, they are just patterns that you can follow if your microservice needs it or not. It’s just a simple Onion Architecture with CQRS and Event Sourcing. You can use it as you want, you can create a GitHub repository using the template from there or just doing a fork/clone and creating the template from the dotnet CLI. All outer reliance, similar to data set admittance and administration calls, are addressed in outside layers.

Domain-Driven Design & Onion Architecture

Create a new folder named Context and add a new class ApplicationDbContext. It is where you would want to add your Infrastructure. Maybe an Entity Framework Core Layer for Accessing the DB, a Layer specifically made to generate JWT Tokens for Authentication or even a Hangfire Layer.

  • Onion Architecture addresses the challenges faced with 3-tier and n-tier architectures, and to provide a solution for common problems.
  • While ADO.NET is super fast, it’s very ideal for long queries with tons of joins.
  • We started with the Domain layer, where we saw the definitions for our entities and repository interfaces and exceptions.
  • The biggest thing to point out is how the constructor for our UserService takes in an IUserRepository.
  • For this example the repository retrieves a hard coded set of products, or a single one by SKU .

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