Month: September 2021

CNC Worx

How to Hire a Bookkeeper

Both bookkeepers and accountants are integral to a company’s financial management, but they have distinct roles and responsibilities. Accountants provide a higher level of financial analysis and planning. They may use the financial data bookkeepers generate to advise business owners on tax planning and budgeting. The accrual accounting method records financial transactions when they occur…
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Рейтинг Форекс брокеров 2021 ТОП лучших и надежных компаний

В нашем списке представлены брокеры, у которых для торговли доступны валютные пары, cfd на акции российских и зарубежных компаний, фьючерсы, энергоносители, металлы, ETF фонды и даже криптовалюты. Тут уже дело выбора каждого трейдера в зависимости от его целей, предпочтений и торговой системы. Вот 3 наиболее важных фактора, которые следует учитывать при выборе онлайн-брокера для торговли…
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What is a capital lease versus an operating lease under ASC 842?

The new rules require that all leases of more than 12 months must be shown on the business balance sheet as both assets and liabilities. That’s why operating leases of less than a year are treated as expenses, while longer-term leases are treated like buying an asset. Leasing vehicles and equipment for business use is…
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